Contract Data Operations
manual operations?
Unbeatable process
Our impact
Data coverage
increase in agreement data compared
to existing data in bank systems
Katie Morgan,
Director, Likezero
The business case
Reduce your exposure of data breaks and disputes with improved data quality, like no other. Save significant time and cost in collecting the most complex contractual data. Enable your teams to focus on higher value-add activities and take on more business opportunities.
Operationalise the legal contract, and all its complexities, into a single consumable output. Legacy data is validated for correct context and accuracy, so you can confidently re-purpose the data for new functions, whilst maintaining the provenance of data over the lifecycle of the contract.
A clause library is built from your own agreements covering all counterparty relationships, both current and legacy. This becomes your invaluable resource, enabling you to analyse the past and automate the future to streamline your operations, like no other software has achieved before.
Our software saved an investment bank millions of dollars, by highlighting currency inaccuracies in the bank’s live collateral management system.
Experience heightened accuracy and precision. Reduce your costs of collecting legacy and business as usual contractual data. Enable your teams to concentrate on high-value, strategic activities that drive growth and success.
How it works
At the forefront of innovation, we have pioneered a revolutionary approach to extracting and managing contractual legal terms and associated data. Our data mining and natural language matching techniques creates contextualised clause libraries from data mined across the most complex financial contracts, achieving unparalleled automation and accuracy for our clients.
Delivering business value
We transform financial institutions’ decision-making. Our software enhances data quality, drastically reduces collection costs and unlocks new datasets to identify risk patterns for proactive risk mitigation.
Access your contextualised contract data in real-time, enhancing your critical decision-making to better manage your legal, credit and operational risk – always backed by contractual evidence.
Why Likezero?
We redefine contract data, turning contracts into contextualised clause libraries. Our techniques surpass the speed, accuracy and cost efficiencies of any other solution available in the market today. Enhanced further with our deep domain expertise.
Confidence levels and false positives are a thing of the past, our software collects only reliable data, eliminating the need for human validation. Our market-leading data framework, is specifically designed to handle complexities in managing entities, terms, and data – empowering real-time contractual insights and accelerating business-as-usual processes.